Terms & Conditions
All pupils must be registered by the parent / guardian using the STUDIO FOGG, Class For Kids booking platform. By registering you will be accepting these Terms and Conditions. It is the parent / guardian’s responsibility to keep STUDIO FOGG informed of up-to-date contact details / personal information.
A registration fee is payable at £20 per student. As part of the registration, you will receive a STUDIO FOGG T-shirt that can be worn when attending the classes.
Term / Opening Times
STUDIO FOGG will open for three terms annually, the specific start and finish dates will be communicated accordingly to Parents / Guardians before the start of each period. STUDIO FOGG will close for business for a total of ten weeks across the year. These will be during the Christmas Period (two weeks), Easter Period (2 Weeks) and again during the summer for (6 weeks) dates of which will be advised in advance. STUDIO FOGG will therefore offer 42no. teaching weeks during the year.
During holiday period's noted above, STUDIO FOGG will look to provide a a mixture of dance days / camps in addition to and alongside the regular timetable.
Our classes are charged based on time (Typically 45min / 60min / 90min). Fees can be paid on either a Monthly or Termly basis, discounts apply for those paying termly.
Monthly fees are calculated based class type and the number of dance classes attended on a monthly basis. For those paying monthly, the subscription will be broken into 12no. equal amounts, based on 42no. teaching weeks annually. Payment will be due on the 1st of each month and the amount charged will be consistent, regardless of how many classes are held in that specific month.
Fees will be reviewed annually and from time-to-time fees may need to be increased. Parents / Guardians will be given suitable notice of any increase.
No refunds will be given due to not be able to attend class, except in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion and prior agreement of the Principal. STUDIO FOGG aims to offer flexibility and where possible will offer the opportunity to attend make up classes at no additional cost.
Additional Classes / Payment
Should a Parent / Guardian with to book additional classes for their child / children, then this should be discussed with the Principal. If available the additional class will be secured through the booking system. If paying monthly, the subscription will be adjusted to suit additional attendance. If paying termly, fees will be calculated and a request for payment raised.
Cancelled Classes / Change to Class Times
Sometimes classes may need to be cancelled in exceptional circumstances. We aim to offer another class instead (this is usually done by extending the term one further week).
We aim to keep class times constant for all pupils but sometimes changing a class time and/or venue is unavoidable. We aim to give as much notice as possible to any changes. If, however, we have to change a class / time at short notice and your child has to leave the class because of this, the notice period (as below) will be waived.
STUDIO FOGG have a 4-week cancellation policy. Notice of cancellation must be in writing or by email to mail@studiofogg.co.uk. 4 weeks of fees will be due from date of written cancellation, students are welcome to continue in class until the end of the notice period. For students paying monthly, we will cancel your subscription after all due fees have been collected. For students paying termly, fees will be calculated and a final payment / refund will be generated.
Photography / Videos
We do take photos and video footage of the children from time to time and use it to help with marketing. We take photographs and videos of pupils during lessons, at displays, workshops and presentations, etc for publications which may include (but not be limited to) our school’s website and social media pages. We will assume that upon acceptance of these Terms and Conditions that you give permission for you / your child to be included in such photos / videos.
Uniform / Hair
Uniform is expected at all classes. New pupils may attend their first 3 classes in an incorrect uniform. Details of full uniform and how to purchase will be provided separately. Students should have their hair appropriately tied back, with all earrings / jewelry removed for safety during classes.
Personal Belongings
You /your children are responsible for your / their belongings. It is important that all items (especially tap / ballet / jazz shoes) are named. Although we store lost property that we find after class, we cannot be liable for lost, damaged, misplaced or stolen items. Mobile phones are not permitted to be used in any circumstance during class.
Collection from Class
At the end of each class, the children will be escorted to the main reception for collection. No children will be allowed to leave the reception without their Parent / Guardian. Please ensure that you collect child / children promptly at the end of class. Any child whose Parent / Guardian has not collected them will be returned back to the studio but we may be unable to supervise them as the maximum room capacities do not permit us to have an extra body in the room. Parents / Guardians understand that if they are late picking up their child, their child will not be supervised, and the parent takes full responsibility for their child’s safety and wellbeing should anything happen to them after their class time has ended.
Children of secondary school age, up to and including 17 years are able to leave the studio unattended, but to do so must have completed “Parental Consent to Leave Studio Form” and be signed by their Parent / Guardian, giving them permission to leave the studio alone. STUDIO FOGG takes no responsibility for the child’s safety and wellbeing after leaving the studio in these circumstances.
Annual Show / Performance Opportunities
STUDIO FOGG will perform shows throughout the year, details of which will be communicated to the dancers and their Parent / Guardians. Participation isn’t compulsory, however, if students do wish to take part, they are expected to attend classes every week during show term. If a student’s attendance is not acceptable, they may be removed from certain routines in the show, which will always be discussed with the Parent / Guardian as needed.
Competition Team
STUDIO FOGG will actively compete in Local / National competitions and may invite your child / children to take part. Students joining the Competition Team will be asked to agree to further, separate terms and conditions which will be provided as necessary.
Code of Conduct
STUDIO FOGG expects the highest standards of conduct from its staff and students. We strongly believe that at all times, those who are part of STUDIO FOGG will adhere to the following:
- Always show respect to one another, to both students and teaching staff.
- Treat all other pupils as you would wish to be treated yourself.
- Support, encourage and motive others to work together and succeed together.
- Make every effort to attend every class with a positive attitude.
- Address and communicate with everyone in a polite, friendly, and constructive manner.
Students and Parents / Guardians are expected to demonstrate respectful behaviour to teaching staff, fellow students and the premises in which we operate. Poor behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in the student being asked to leave the Dance Company. Bullying is not tolerated and should be brought to the Principal’s attention immediately.
Please notify the Principal of any medical issues or learning difficulties that may affect your child’s learning, however big or small it should be. This can help us to help them. This information will only be shared with your child’s class teacher.
Any injuries should be discussed with the class teacher prior to, or at the beginning of class.
STUDIO FOGG offers examinations and medal tests for the Association of American Dancing (AAD) syllabus as well as Acrobatic Arts . Entry for any examination / medal test is at the discretion of the class teacher and the Principal. Parent / Guardians will be sent an invitation to examinations/medal tests when the required level is achieved.
Entry into examinations is not compulsory but are encouraged.
Students wanting to participate in examinations must attend class regularly. Any student that doesn’t attend regularly risks being withdrawn from the examination. Full details will be sent via the email invitation.
Parent / Guardian Contact Information
All communications will be either in person, via telephone or written via email. Parents / Guardians must provide a valid email address / mobile number. It is the Parent /Guradian’s responsibility to make sure these are always up to date. Any changes in contact information needs to be updated and should be provided in writing to the Principal. Please make sure that STUDIO FOGG emails are not considered SPAM in order to not miss vital communications from the school.
Data Protection
We understand and respect any information that you share with us and promise to keep it safe and not share it with third parties (other than our examining bodies).
By accepting these terms and conditions you give consent to:
- Information provided in the registration form to be held by STUDIO FOGG for administration purposes only in digital format.
- Your child’s full name and date of birth to be shared with the dance school’s examination boards; o
- The American Association of Dancing (AAD)
- Acrobatics Arts
- Receiving relevant emails and calls from STUDIO FOGG regarding your child / children’s classes.
Additional Policies
In addition to that set out above, STUDIO FOGG has additional policies inclusive of, but not limited to;
- Limited Liability Waiver
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
Up to date versions of the above can be found on the company website; www.studiofogg.co.uk
Dancing is a physical activity and involves a certain amount of risk. Students taking part in any of our classes or events run by STUDIO FOGG do so at their own risk. If students and/or parents break the terms and conditions, they may be asked to leave by the Principal and no refund given.
Full information regarding our Child Safeguarding and GDPR policies can be found on our website; www.studiofogg.co.uk.
Any complaints should be addressed to the Principal only.